Our Story
Founders: Nancy Torres, Jessica Leon, Tiq Chapa, Andrew Mairena, Ivan Aragon, Ashley Carrick, and Liscare Castro
Founded in April 2020, the organization was created from a demand to connect Latinx MBAs from various MBA programs as the world was in lock down due to COVID-19. Across top 25 MBA programs, there are 300 domestic Latinx MBAs who graduate annually but don’t connect - an unmet opportunity. By the end of 2020, the Latinx MBA Association was officially incorporated and registered as a 501(c)3 non-profit. In Feb 2021, the organization officially launched to the public, becoming one of the largest networks of Latinx MBAs to date.
Our Vision
Develop, empower, & advance Latinx business leaders in order to create positive economic change for the United States.
Our values
Familia: We are a cohesive community committed to celebrating one another and uplifting as we climb, paying it forward to the next generation of leaders
Growth Mindset: We take ownership, challenge ourselves and each other to grow into our own best version and rise as a collective
Inclusivity: We recognize the U.S. Latinx community is not a monolith, and actively welcome different cultures and perspectives
Authenticity: We empower our community to thrive by normalizing U.S. Latinx experiences and owning our life journey
Our pillars
Access for prospective students
Advancement for Latinx MBA alumni and students
Advocacy for the U.S. Latinx community
Board of Directors
The Latinx MBA Association has a Board of Directors of 9 MBA alumni from various programs and industries. We each govern a committee with Associate Board Members.
Elections happen every January for Associate Board Members.